Frequently asked questions
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Here you can place an explanation or answer to the question.
Here you can place an explanation or answer to the question.
Here you can place an explanation or answer to the question.
Here you can place an explanation or answer to the question.
Here you can place an explanation or answer to the question.
Here you can place an explanation or answer to the question.
Here you can place an explanation or answer to the question.
Here you can place an explanation or answer to the question.
Here you can place an explanation or answer to the question.
Still got Q's?
Check out our frequently asked questions page for our full list of most common queries.
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For paint parties, custom artwork, or any other business related questions, please fill out the form or email us at
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Visit us today
475 Upper Bench Road North.
Penticton, BC
Grand Reopening Soon!
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